With Jane Sanders & Marcos Frangos
A day of support and space for reflection in the beautiful setting of Hazel Hill Wood, a 70 acre woodland off-grid education centre near Salisbury, focusing on nourishing your own core resilience in the context of being a therapist.
time to review the ‘ecosystem’ of your working life
addressing the challenges of stress, increasing complexity and overload
tracking vicarious trauma & other contributors to therapist burnout
nature connectedness, Shinrin Yoku (forest bathing)
an opportunity to make connections with colleagues
Timing: 9.30 for a 10am start– 4.pm.
More details at: www.resiliencefortherapists.com or call Jane on 01458 833382
Association of Core process Psychotherapists members £80 including lunch.
Non ACPP members £85
Optional Extra: Overnight stay on Thursday 2nd: £55 including food and accommodation
To Book contact ACPP: admin@acppon;ine.net