Letting Come -
About the Retreat Series
Exploring Our Inner & Outer Landscapes of Change Through the Seasons
We are living in powerful times. Many established patterns of life are ready to be re-made, and we are being called to pay attention to our part to play. People tell us this work can be tough, sometimes soul destroying. Our deep wish is to bring people together in community to curate what it means to live and work with coherence and integrity, whatever your context and whatever challenges you face.
As we navigate our own ways through the fullness and complexity of life we are struck by the beauty and power of doing so in community, and by the restorative potential of the natural world. Whatever your life’s work and whatever conversations you are in with your inner and outer landscapes, we invite you to join us for one or more of our personal development retreats during 2019/20.
Hosted by Marcos in partnership with Kirstin Irving of ChangeTools, each 24 hour residential retreat will be held in the magical setting of Hazel Hill Wood, near Salisbury, UK. Constellations and other embodied methods are at the heart of our approach.